Ken Olum

156 Massapoag Ave.
Sharon, MA 02067
(781) 784-6114

Work (Tufts Insitute of Cosmology)
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Robinson Hall
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155
(617) 627-2753

The best way to reach me is by email to

I am a research professor in the Institute of Cosmology at Tufts University. I study cosmic strings, cosmic rays, energy conditions in general relativity, and the anthropic principle in cosmology. You can see a picture of loop production by a cosmic string network. I also have movies of a cosmic string cusp simulation and a sinusoidal wave or a still picture of a cusp simulation.

In 1997, I received my Ph.D. in the Center for Theoretical Physics, which is part of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science and the Physics Department at MIT. My thesis was in the problem of information radiated from black holes.

My curriculum vitae is online in PostScript, or PDF. You can get a list of my publications from SLAC.

I have twins, born July 21, 2002. You can read all about them.

My PGP public key is here