February 03 - 09, 2002 THE BOSTON AREA PHYSICS CALENDAR The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of Physics at Northeastern University. You may send your announcement by e-mail (bapc@neu.edu) or FAX (617-373-2943). We cannot accept announcements by telephone. Entries should reach us no later than 11:00 a.m. the Monday of the week proceeding the week of the event. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. _______________________________________ Monday, February 04, 2002 Monday, February 04, 2002, 2:00pm Massachusetts Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics Building 6, Third Floor Seminar Room "The Weak Mixing Agents from New Physics at a TeV" David E. Kaplan SLAC Monday, February 04, 2002, 4:30pm Brown University Physics Colloquium Barus & Holley 168 "Weighing Rich Clusters of Galaxies" Margaret Geller Harvard University Monday, February 04, 2002, 4:30pm Harvard University Physics Colloquium Jefferson Lab 250 "Physical Science Research at Bell Labs and Video Imaging Colloidal Systems on a Line Template" Cherry Murray Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies *Tea served at 4:00pm in Jefferson 450* Tuesday, February 05, 2002 Tuesday, February 05, 2002, 2:30pm Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Tufts-CfA-MIT Cosmology Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics Seminar Room Building 6, Third Floor "Eternal Fractal in the Inflating Universe" Serge Winitzki Tufts University *Refreshments will be served at 2:00pm in same room* Tuesday, February 05, 2002, 4:00pm Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Astrophysics Colloquia MIT Center for Space Research Marlar Lounge, Room 37-252 70 Vassar Street Cambridge, MA "Pulsars: Astrophysical Insights from a Variety of Observations" Dr. Ingrid Stairs National Radio Astronomy Observatory Tuesday, February 05, 2002, 4:30pm Boston University BU-Harvard-MIT Mathematical Physics Seminar Photonics Center Building, Room 202 8 Saint Mary's Street (rear entrance off Cummington Street) "Critical Exponents for Two-Dimensional Percolation" Stanislav Smirnov Clay Mathematics Institute of Prize Fellow Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden *Free Parking Available: email dmcote@bu.edu at least 4 hours in advance, stating your full name in the Subject Field* Tuesday, February 05, 2002, 4:30pm Harvard University Joint Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms Jefferson Lab 356 "Ultracold Bosonic and Fermionic Gases" Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Ecole Normale Suprieure Paris, France *Refreshments served at 4:10pm* Tuesday, February 5, 2002 at 2:00PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear Theory Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics Kolker Room, 26-414 ``Pion propagation near the QCD chiral phase transition" Misha Stephanov University of Illinois/Riken Refreshments will be served Tuesday, February 5, 2002, 4:00pm Brandeis University Martin Weiner Lecture Series, Physics Colloquium Physics Building, Room 131 "Geometry, Physics and Duality" Dr. Mina Aganagic Harvard University Tuesday, February 05, 2002, 3:30pm Boston University Physics Colloquium Metcalf Science Center, Room 107 590 Commonwealth Avenue "Scientific Fraud in the National Missile Defense Program" Wednesday, February 06, 2002 Wednesday, February 06, 2002, 2:30pm Brown University Theoretical Physics Seminar Barus & Holley 555 "To Be Announced" Dr. Neil Lambert Rutgers University lease call (617.353.2600) one day in advance for parking* Wednesday, February 06, 2002, 4:30pm Harvard University Center for Astrophysics/Physics Department Joint Atomic Physics Seminar Jefferson Laboratory, Room 356 "Focusing Vacuum Fluctuations" Lawrence Ford Tufts University *Refreshments will be served at 4:00pm* Wednesday, February 06, 2002, 4:30pm Boston University Joint Theory Seminar Physics Research Building, Room 593 3 Cummington Street "Exact Results in 5D from Instantons and Deconstruction" Dr. Erich Poppitz University of Toronto *Refreshments at 4pm* Thursday, February 07, 2002 Thursday, February 07, 2002, 1:00pm Harvard University Materials Science Seminar The Turnbull Room, Gordon McKay Lab 402 "Phase Transitions of Aqueous Atmospheric Particles" Scot T. Martin Environmental Chemistry Harvard University Thursday, February 7, 2002, 4:00pm Brandeis University Martin Weiner Lecture Series, Physics Colloquium Physics Building, Room 131 "TBA" Dr. Jaume Gomis California Institute of Technology Refreshment served at 3:30pm in Room 333 Thursday, February 07, 2002, 2:00pm Massachusetts Institute of Technology Special Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics Building 6, Third Floor Seminar Room "Photon Emission from the Quark Gluon Plasma" Guy Moore University of Washington Thursday, February 07, 2002, 4:00pm Clark University Physics Colloquium Department of Physics Sackler Science Center, Room N-105 "Explore all paths: Simple electron, simple stone. Why is learning about them so complicated" Edwin Taylor MIT Thursday, February 07, 2002, 4:15pm Harvard University Duality Seminar Jefferson 453 "To Be Announced" Neil Lambert Rutgers *Refreshments will be offered in the High Energy Theory coffee area, 4th Floor Jefferson, at 3:45* Friday, February 08, 2002 Friday, February 08, 2002, 12:00pm Boston University Condensed Matter Seminar Metcalf Science Center, Room 352 590 Commonwealth Avenue "Ground State Properties of the Diluted Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet" Anders Sandvik Abo Akademi University, Finland Friday, February 8, 2002, 4 pm Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar Building NW17, Room 218 "Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Eruptions" Terry Forbes University of New Hampshire Friday, February 8, 2002, 4:00pm Harvard University Condensed Matter Seminar Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences Pierce Hall, Room 209 "New Fiber- and micro-optic approaches to 'in vivo' brain imaging" Dr. Mark J. Schnitzer Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Refreshments will be served following the seminar