April 15- April 21, 2001 THE BOSTON AREA PHYSICS CALENDAR The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT. You may send your announcement by e-mail (bapc@lns.mit.edu) or FAX (617-253-8674). We cannot accept announcements by telephone. Entries should reach us no later than 11:00 a.m. the Monday of the week preceding the week of the event. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. ________________________________________________ Monday, April16, 2001 Monday, April 16, 4:00PM University of New Hampshire Physics Colloquium DeMeritt Hall, Rm 209B ``Stellar Evolution in the Lab" Moshi Gai University of Connecticut Refreshments served at 3:30PM, Rm 105F Monday, April 16, 4:00PM Worcester Polytechnic Institute Physics Colloquium Higgins Lab 116 ``Recent Advances in Lens Theory" Dr. Adriaan Walther Worcester Polytechnic Institute Refreshments in Higgins Lab 102, 3:40pm Monday, April 16, 4:30PM Brown University Physics Colloquium-The Arthur O. Williams Lecture Barus & Holley Room 168 ``The World's Numerical Recipe" Professor Frank Wilczek Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refreshments served at 4:00pm Monday, April 16, 4:30PM Harvard University Physics Colloquium Jefferson Lab 250 ``Quantum Explosions and Implosions in a Bose-Einstein Condensate" Carol Wieman University of Colorado Tea served at 4:00pm in Jefferson 450 Tuesday, April 17, 2001 Tuesday, April 17, 12:30 PM Harvard University Joint Tufts/CfA/MIT Cosmology Seminar Pratt Conference Room ``Estimating the Masses of Galaxy Clusters" Chris Metzler Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Tuesday, April 17, 2:00PM Brandeis University Apsell Lectures: Theoretical Seminar Physics Building, Abelson 131 ``Renormalization Group Limit Cycles in Two- and Three-Body Potential Models" Professor Kenneth Wilson, Nobel Laureate Ohio State University Refreshments served after the talk Tuesday, April 17, 3:40 PM Boston University Physics Colloquium SCI 107, Metcalf SC, 590 Commonwealth Ave ``The Bosenova: Quantum explosions and implosions at the lowest temperatures on earth" Professor Carl Wieman University of Colorado, Boulder Refreshments at 3:20pm please call (353-2600) for parking Tuesday, April 17, 4:00PM Brandeis University Martin Werner Lecture Series, Physics Colloquium Physics Building, Abelson 131 ``A Physicist in Congress: An APS Congressional Science Fellow shares his experience" Dr. Brendan Plapp APS Congressional Fellow Refreshments in Room 333 at 3:30pm Tuesday, April 17, 4:30PM Harvard University Harvard-MIT Mathematical Physics Seminar Jefferson 256 ``Correcting Quantum Errors" Daniel Gottesman University of California, Berkeley Tuesday, April 17, 4:30PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms MIT- 26-214 ``Explosion of a Collapsing Bose-Einstein Condensate" Henk Stoof University of Utrecht Refreshments served at 4:10pm ________________________________________________ Wednesday, April 18, 2001 Wednesday, April 18, 2:30PM Brown University Theoretical Seminar Barus & Holley Room 555 ``Does Cosmology Require a Modification of M-Theory?" Dr. Andrew Chamblin Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wednesday, April 18, 1:30PM note change of day and time MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Nuclear Theory Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics, Bld 6, 3rd fl Seminar Room ``Chiral Perturbation Theory, Kaon Decays and the Lattice" Maarten Golterman Washington University, St. Louis Wednesday, April 18, 3:30PM Brandeis University Apsell Lectures: Lecture Gerstenzang 123 ``After the Computer Revolution: Guidance from History" Professor Kenneth Wilson, Nobel Laureate Ohio State University Refreshments served at 3pm outside lecture hall Wed, April 18th, 3:00pm Boston University Particle and Fields Seminar Physics Research Building 593 How nonperturbative supersymmetric dynamics can solve the (s)flavor problem(s). Matt Strassler Univ. Penn. Wednesday, April 18, 4:00PM University of Massachusetts-Lowell Physics Colloquium Olney 428 ``The Ligo Project: A Search for Gravitational Waves" Professor Peter Fritschel Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refreshments served at 3:30pm Wednesday, April 18, 4:30PM Boston University Joint Theory Seminar Physics Research Bldg, Room 593, 3 Cummington St. ``Supersymmetry Breaking from Composite Extra Dimensions" Professor Raman Sundrum Johns Hopkins University Refreshments at 4pm, call 353-2600 for parking Wednesday, April 18, 4:30PM Harvard University Joint Atomic Physics Seminar Jefferson Laboratory, Room 356 ``What Shape is your Photon in?" Dr. Joseph Eberly University of Rochester Tea served at 4:00pm ___________________________________________ Thursday, April 19 Thursday, April 19, 1:00PM Harvard University Materials Science Seminar McKay Lab 402, David Turnbull Room ``Real Space Imaging of Nucleation and Growth in Colloidal Crystallization" Urs Gasser Harvard University Thursday, April 19, 2:00PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology String Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics, Bldg 6 3rdfl Seminar Room ``Kerr-AdS Black Holes and the AdS/CFT Correspondence'' Adel Awad MIT/University of Kentucky Thursday, April 19, 2:15PM(Note change in day and time Brandeis University Condensed Matter Seminar Physics Building, Room 333 ``Actuation in Nematic Elastomers" Dr. B. R. Ratna Naval Research Laboratory Thursday, April 19, 4:00PM Clark University Physics Colloquium Sackler SC, Room N-105 ``Search for Nature of the Glass Transition" Professor Mo Li Johns Hopkins University Thursday, April 19, 4:15PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Physics Colloquium Building 10 Room 250 ``Small Electronics and Quantum Chaos" Charlie Marcus Harvard University Refreshments at 3:00PM in Physics Common Rm 4-339 Thursday, April 19, 4:15PM Harvard University Duality Seminar Jefferson 453 ``DeSitter Space in String Theory" Djorjde Minic USC Refreshments at 3:45pm, HET, Jefferson 460 _____________________________________________ Friday, April 20, 2001 Friday, April 20, 12:30PM Tufts University Lunchtime Cosmology Seminar Robinson Hall, Room153 Effective Gravity in Asymmetric Brane World Scenarios Professor Brandon Carter Observatoire de Paris, Meudon Friday, April 20, 4:00PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar Series Building NW 17, Room218 ``The NSTX Program and an Initial Look at Local Physics" Ed Synakowski Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Refreshments served at 10:45am -----________________________________ Reminder: Deadline for the April 22- 28 calendar is Tuesday, April 17, at 11:00a.m. _________________________ - To unsubscribe from the BAPC announcement list, send mail to bapc-request@cosmos.phy.tufts.edu and in the body put "unsubscribe".