March 11 to March 17, 2001 THE BOSTON AREA PHYSICS CALENDAR The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT. You may send your announcement by e-mail ( or FAX (617-253-8674). We cannot accept announcements by telephone. Entries should reach us no later than 11:00 a.m. the Monday of the week preceding the week of the event. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED _____________________________________ Monday, March 12, 2001 Monday, March 12, 2:30PM Brown University Theoretical Seminar Barus & Holley 190 ``Masses of Light Quarks from Lattice QCD and Sum Rules" Dr. Rajan Gupta Los Alamos National Laboratory Monday, March 12, 3:30PM Boston University Particle and Fields Seminar Physics Research Building 593 ``Localizing Gravity on Smooth Branes" Yuri Shirman Caltech Monday, March 12, 4:15PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium Building 26, Room 414-Kolker Room ``Thermalization in Heavy-Ion Collisions from QCD First Principles" Dam Son Columbia University Refreshments served at 4pm. Monday, March 12, 4:30 PM Harvard University Physics Colloquium Jefferson Lab. 250 ``A New Precision Measurement of the Muon (g-2) Value at the level of 1.3 ppm" Professor Robert Carey Boston University Tea served at 4:00 pm in Jefferson 450 ________________________________ Tuesday, March 13, 2001 Tuesday, March 13, 2:30PM Tufts University Joint Tufts/CfA/MIT Cosmology Seminar Robinson Hall, Room 250 ``Null energy Condition Violations in Eternal Inflation" Serge Winitzki Case Western Reserve University Refreshments served at 2:00pm in Knipp Library, Room 251 Special Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tuesday, March 13, 2:00PM (note new day and time from previous notice) Center for Theoretical Physics, Building 6, Third Floor Seminar Room ``Speculative but testable nonperturbative techniques in some QCD like gauge theories" Matthew Strassler University of Pennsylvania Tuesday, March 13, 4:00PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear Theory Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics, Bldg 6 3rdfl Seminar Room ``Perturbative Hot QCD: A criterion for effects beyond Hard Thermal Loops" Francois Gelis Brookhaven National Laboratory Refreshments served at 3:30p.m. Tuesday, March 13, 4:00 PM Brandeis University Martin Weiner Lecture Series, Physics Colloquium Physics Bldg, Abelson 131 ``Prospects for Observing the Collapse, Reheating and Reionization of the Post-Recombination Neutral Hydrogen" Professor Jacqueline Hewitt Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refreshments served at 3:30p.m, Room 333 Tuesday, March 13, 4:30 PM Harvard University Joint Harvard-MIT Mathematical Physics Seminar Jefferson Lab 256 ``Algebras and varieties related to finite subgroups of $Sp(2n)$" Pavel Etingof Columbia University/MIT Tuesday, March 13, 4:30 PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms Building 26, Room 214 ``Fermi Pressure in a Gas of Trapped Atoms" Randy Hulet Rice University Tea served at 4:10pm-- ---- Wednesday, March 14, 2001 Wednesday, March14, 2:30PM Brown University Theoretical Physics Seminar Barus & Holley Room 555 ``The Non-Abelian Born-Infeld Action at Order F6" Dr. Jan Troost Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wednesday, March 14, 3:00PM Boston University Particle and Fields Seminar Physics Research Building 593 ``Estimates of Light Quark Masses" Rajan Gupta LANL Call 353-2600 for parking. Wednesday, March 14, 4:00PM University of Massachusetts at Lowell Physics Colloquium Olney 428 ``Can Tensorial anisotrophy Detect IBM Disease? Non Invasive Impedance Measurements on Healthy and Seriously Ill Human Subjects" Professor Carl Shiffman Northeastern University Refreshments served at 3:30pm. Wednesday, March 14, 1PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Special Seminar ``Speculative but testable nonperturbative techniques in some QCD-like gauge theories" Matthew Strassler University of Pennsylvania Wednesday, March 14, 4:30PM Harvard University Joint Atomic Physics Seminar Jefferson Laboratory, Room 356 ``TBA" Dr Chris Monroe University of Michigan Tea will be served at 4:00pm Wednesday, March 14, 4:30PM Harvard University Joint Theory Seminar Jefferson 256 ``Exploring the Weird World of Large N Gauge Theories" Matt Strassler University of Pennsylvania Refreshments served at 4:00pm, HET, Jefferson 460 ________________________________________________ Thursday, March 15, 2001 Thursday, March 15, 2:00PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology String Seminar Center for Theoretical Physics, Bldg 6 3rdfl Seminar Room ``A Large N duality for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories" Cumrun Vafa Harvard University Thursday, March 15, 4:15PM Massachusetts Institute of Technology Physics Colloquium Building 10 Room 250 ``Quantum gravity, strings and M-theory from matrix quantum mechanics" Washington Taylor Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refreshments served at 3PM in room 4-339 Thursday, March 15, 4:15PM Harvard University Duality Seminar Jefferson 453 ``Aspects of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in supergravity and string theory" Jan Louis Halle Refreshments offered at 3:45pm, HET, Jefferson 460 _____________________________________________ Friday, March 16, 2001 No notices received