Internet Change Ringer's Mailing List and Archive

There is an internet mailing list for change-ringers maintained by Ken Olum using majordomo. The mailing list works by automatically distributing submissions to all subscribers. There is also a digest form in which each day's submissions are sent out in a single message.

To subscribe to the list, send mail to . In the body (not the subject line) of your message, put the command

If you want to get the mailings in digest form, use
	subscribe change-ringers-digest
instead. Similarly, to unsubscribe send mail from the address at which you are receiving the mailings at with the body
	unsubscribe change-ringers-digest
if you are getting the digest. These commands subscribe or unsubscribe you at the mailing address found in the "from" line of your message. If you want to subscribe at a different address, or to ask that someone else be subscribed, you can use the form
	subscribe change-ringers user@site
	subscribe change-ringers user@site (Real Name)
Please do not use this syntax unless you really need to. Doing it this way means that I have to approve your request by hand. Similarly, under normal circumstances you should tell your friends to subscribe themselves, rather than sending subscribe messages for them.

You can get the lists of subscribers by sending to a message with the body

	who change-ringers
	who change-ringers-digest
This is a good way to find email addresses for ringers.

The personal name that appears in this list is whatever goes out as part of the "from" line in the mail you send to subscribe. If you have set your personal name to a cute string, that's what's going to appear in place of your name in this list.

There is an archive of files of interest to change ringers associated with the mailing list. You can look at the archive by anonymous FTP to the machine (a.k.a.

You can also read the archives by email, using the majordomo program, the same one which maintains the mailing list. Start by sending email with the body

to . Please use FTP if you can. It puts a lot less load on my machine.

There is a similar list for boston-area events.

The Ringing World has a home page on the web and an email address, Any items normally submitted to The Ringing World by post or fax can be sent by email. Documents should be sent as plain ASCII text files. Please pay close attention to the formatting of peals as they are published (except for the fonts) so they don't have to be re-set.